


1-2-3 MARZO 2013
36051 Creazzo (Vi) www.vergilius.it

Healing emotions and personal inner value
in care pathways
social and clinic Biodanza FORUM
Direccion cientifica: dr. Giovanna Benatti
Scientific Committee: dr. Eugenio Pintore, dr. Andrea Spolaor
, Lucia Presentini, dr. Roberta Rosa
28/2*1/3 PREFORUM: Workshop "BIODANZA with domestic violence (dr. Andreina Acri-Chile)
Happiness is a social value

The Biodanza system, a pedagogia social for the quality of the life and the cure

A participation certificate to all the enrolled

*3 days of workshop with participations theorist-pratic n order to disclose the social value of Sistema Biodanza

Lectio Magistralis
Practical lessons 
In the areas of:

Social integration (civic plans for integration and the expression of specific bands of the human community, like third and quarter age, immigrates, rom, plans of Biodanza in the jails)

Biocentric education (plans of Biodanza for the families/for the prevention and in the participations against the violence intradomestica/in the school: plans for the primary and secondary education)

Clinical Biocentric education/(plans of Biodanza for integration of children, adolescents and young people immigrates/
Biodanza for the prevention of the minorile diseas in quarters to risk)

Clinical Biodanza (plans of Biodanza with persons with medium and serious psychical diseas, disabilità, disturbs of the behavior and disturbs neurological/Biodanza for the riabilitazione of the drug addiction and of the alcoholism/anorexia-buymia/in to the social plans for the prevention and the reduction of stress)

Biodanza for operating social (the plans of reduction of the operating syndrome of Burn out in social/the Biodanza in the enterprises for the relational quality time to objects common)

*Intervents of the most important profesional Biodanza sociale teachers from: 
Italy, Brasil, Argentine, Chile, Colombia, United Kingdom, France, Holland, Swiss, Belgium and Spain

*Interventi and lessons of: psichiatri and psicoterapeuti/exponents of the academic world and the public administration

*Open spaces with documentary audio/video and extensions to you from all the world
*Art Espace

This Forum is proposed for the fourth time as an open and interactive space turned to all the facilitatori and practicing of Biodanza interested and been involved to a greater contribution of Sistema Biodanza in the structure of our community.
It means to open a fertile and constructive debate on the greater social extraordinary incidence of pedagogia the inborn one in the Biocentric Principle and to offer to theoretical instruments and practical us in order to carry with more effectiveness 
this model in the institutions, the cities and between the citizens.
This space represents a sum of beyond ten years of social job and clinical with Biodanza promoted from the Gaja Center School of Biodanza of Vicenza and world-wide network of Biodanza addresses like to reaffirm the social value of the happiness
1 fridays March arrive previewed from hours 12 to hours 16

Lectio magistralis and conference of opening of the Forum hours 17

2 Saturday March 9/23

3 Sunday March 9/17

Location: Hotel Spa Vergilius, near to Venezia and Verona airport www.vergilius.it
Costs of participation
WITHIN 31 DECEMBER 2012: 300 euro
AFTER 1° JANUARY 2013: 350 euro

comprehensive of all the laboratories, practical and theorical sessions and workshop inside activated of the Forum and the complete pension with sistemazione in double and triple room (supplement single room euro 20 to the day) from friday 1 to 3 Sunday March. 

Location: Hotel Spa Vergilius, comfortable to the airports of Venice and Verona and to casello highway of Vicenza the west. www.vergilius.it

The inscription is carried out through the following banking coordinates: Centro Gaja Credito Bergamasco di Vicenza Iban IT86ZO333611800000000001711
The reservation agrees effective at the moment of the registration through discount; for no reason the notice to leave can be considered condition of restitution of the poured sum, but it can eventually be transferred to the nominative case of other enrolling.

VISIT the program detailed on: www.centrogaja.it
Info and registrations Infoline Gaja +39 0444 569702 +39 338 8992362



2-3-4 MARZO 2012

36051 Creazzo (Vi) www.vergilius.it

Empathy and solidarity
Life at the centre of social proyects for health
social and clinic Biodanza FORUM
Direccion cientifica: dr. Giovanna Benatti dr. Eugenio Pintore and dr. Andrea Spolaor

Happiness is a social value

The Biodanza system, a pedagogia social for the quality of the life and the cure

A participation certificate to all the enrolled

*3 days of workshop with participations theorist-pratic n order to disclose the social value of Sistema Biodanza

Lectio Magistralis
Practical lessons
In the areas of:

Social integration (civic plans for integration and the expression of specific bands of the human community, like third and quarter age, immigrates, rom, plans of Biodanza in the jails)

Biocentric education (plans of Biodanza for the families/for the prevention and in the participations against the violence intradomestica/in the school: plans for the primary and secondary education)

Clinical Biocentric education/(plans of Biodanza for integration of children, adolescents and young people immigrates/
Biodanza for the prevention of the minorile diseas in quarters to risk)

Clinical Biodanza (plans of Biodanza with persons with medium and serious psychical diseas, disabilità, disturbs of the behavior and disturbs neurological/Biodanza for the riabilitazione of the drug addiction and of the alcoholism/anorexia-buymia/in to the social plans for the prevention and the reduction of stress)

Biodanza for operating social (the plans of reduction of the operating syndrome of Burn out in social/the Biodanza in the enterprises for the relational quality time to objects common)

*Intervents of the most important profesional Biodanza sociale teachers from: 
Italy, Brasil, Argentine, Chile, Colombia, United Kingdom, France, Holland, Swiss, Belgium and Spain

*Interventi and lessons of: psichiatri and psicoterapeuti/exponents of the academic world and the public administration

*Open spaces with documentary audio/video and extensions to you from all the world
*Art Espace

This Forum is proposed for the second time as an open and interactive space turned to all the facilitatori and practicing of Biodanza interested and been involved to a greater contribution of Sistema Biodanza in the structure of our community.
It means to open a fertile and constructive debate on the greater social extraordinary incidence of pedagogia the inborn one in the Biocentric Principle and to offer to theoretical instruments and practical us in order to carry with more effectiveness 
this model in the institutions, the cities and between the citizens.
This space represents a sum of beyond ten years of social job and clinical with Biodanza promoted from the Gaja Center School of Biodanza of Vicenza and world-wide network of Biodanza addresses like to reaffirm the social value of the happiness

2 fridays March arrive previewed from hours 12 to hours 16

Lectio magistralis and conference of opening of the Forum hours 17

3 Saturday March 9/23

4 Sunday March 9/17

Location: Hotel Spa Vergilius, near to Venezia and Verona airport www.vergilius.it
Costs of participation

WITHIN 30 NOVEMBER 2011: euro 250 comprehensiveof all the laboratories, practical and theoretical sessions and workshop inside activated of the Forum and the complete pension with sistemazione in double and triple room (supplement single room euro 20 to the day) from friday 4 to 6 Sunday March. 

Location: Hotel Spa Vergilius, comfortable to the airports of Venice and Verona and to casello highway of Vicenza the west. It visits the situated one of the Vergilius Businnes resort www.vergilius.it

AFTER 1° DECEMBER 2011: 300 euro 

The inscription is carried out through the following banking coordinates: Centro Gaja Credito Bergamasco di Vicenza Iban IT86ZO333611800000000001711

The reservation agrees effective at the moment of the registration through discount; for no reason the notice to leave can be considered condition of restitution of the poured sum, but it can eventually be transferred to the nominative case of other enrolling.

VISIT the program detailed on: www.centrogaja.it

Info and registrations Infoline Gaja +39 0444 569702 +39 338 8992362